Very light wind, warm weather made for a good day to play the Married Couples cup and the Not so married couples cup.
The mist that had prevailed for the last few days was gone and the scores were were good.
In 1st place and winning the Married Couples cup was Niki and Derek Wraight with 42 points.
In second place were Liz and Bob Gillman with 36 points.
In 1st place in the Not So Married Couples Cup were sister and brother, Danielle and Will Price with 39 points
In 2nd place also with 39 points were Mandy Wright and Sean McGrath.
There were 5 two’s each recieving 5 balls.
Danielle and Will on the 18th!!!
Mandy and Sean on the 6th
Niki and Derek, Sarah and Roger and Angie and Russell all on the 16th.