The AGM stableford was played in dry, overcast conditions. The CSS was 73.
In 1st place with 38 points and cutting her handicap to 8 was Danielle Price
In 2nd place with 35 points was Jackie Mallett
In 3rd place with 34 points was Jo Rysdale
In 4th place with 33 points was Jane Rowse.
The Ladies AGM followed and saw Jacquie Lang retire from office and hand over to Jackie Mallett, with Mandy Wright becoming Vice Captain. Jenny Potter took over as Handicap Secretary and Niki Wraight Secretary/ Treasurer and Jacquie Lang Assistant Secretary/ Treasurer. The vote for the Committee places was close and after a re-vote for the third place Lynne Fleming, Vicky Lee Comyn and Sue Roworth were all elected for 3 years.
Jacquie was presented with a gift and flowers from the Ladies Section.
New Lady Captain, Jackie will be having the Cove Macmillan Support Centre as her Captains Charity.