Joe Brolly’s Captains Day was blessed with fantastic weather. The rough was thick for those that strayed off the fairways. 27 Ladies played the Team Competition with 2 scores to count with double points on two of the holes if the harder hole was played for, so the scores were higher than normal.
In the Ladies 1st place with 90 points were Niki Wraight, Jacquie Lang and Karen Furness.
In 2nd place with 89 points were Karen Greenwood, Jo Rysdale and Vera Eade.
In 3rd place with 88 points were Jane Wragg, Jill Hoskin and Sarah Shobrook.
Nearest the pin on 12 was Jenny Potter 11ft 7.5 ins.
There was one two by Sue Roworth and she received 27 balls.
Members from the Perranporth Parachute Centre landed on the first tee in a charity jump.
In the evening there was a choir and entertainment followed the presentation.
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