The second league game of the season and the first home game was played in drizzle and a stiff breeze against Killiow. Perranporth came out winners with a 5 – 2 result
Vicky Lee Comyn lost 2 Down to Natalie John
Jenny Potter won 6 & 5 against Daiwi Richard
Vera Eade won 5 & 3 against Niamh Lamond
Liz Gillman losy 2 Down to Cara Rowe
Lynne Fleming won 2 & 1 against Indu Kumar
Jacquie Lang won 2 & 1 against Pwint Lin
Jill Hoskin won 5 & 4 against Hilary Prior
A very enjoyable meal was more than welcome when everyone came in from the cold and wet.
All the games were played in a friendly spirit.
Well played Perranporth Ladies